Saturday, 30 August 2014

# Chapter 12: Lord, plant me so I will bear the fruit of your Spirit. | The Power of a Praying Woman

"All of us are planting something in our lives every single day, whether we realize it or not. And we are also reaping whatever we have planted in the past. The quality of our lives right now is the result of what we planted and harvested some time before. We reap the good and the bad for years after we have sown. That's why it is so important to plant and nurture the right seeds now...It is said that we begin to resemble the person with whom we live and with whom we are most closely associated. When we share our lives with Jesus, His likeness is stamped on our spirit and soul. When we plug into Him, the fruit of His Spirit is manifested in us..."

Now there's another bit I couldn't keep myself from sharing, because it's so true and so important. "Self- control is not fragile like a strawberry plant; it's big and solid like an apple tree. Only God can plant something of that magnitude in you and make it bear fruit. Having no self- control means you do whatever pleases you no matter what the consequences are."

Have you had to forsake all the good things God can plant in you so that you fit in with the popular people around you. Or at work you hide your kindness and gentleness and replace it with attitude and rudeness so that your boss sees you as a go- getter who deserves a promotion?
Galatians 5:22-23
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

The Power of a Praying Woman | Stormie Omartian
Get the book in the leading supermarkets and bookshops, let us pray together.

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